Varnostna politika

Obvezna navodila za zunanje izvajalce

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Krovna varnostna politika - javni del

New deliverables

Part of the project "En4s"

We are happy to announce that the deliverables of the En4s project are now available to the general public.

Oracle is now entering the phase of public access, use, and openness to further content additions and changes from the professional public.

You are cordially invited to register in the Oracle portal and change the content. You can find contribution guidelines and technical guidelines on the main page of the Oracle portal.


En4s Oracle


Interest calculator source code, developed to support research activities and draw conclusions from the development lifecycle, is now also public. You can find the source code and license on GitHub. You are welcome to use the code, but you are invited to share any changes and additions by committing a pull request. We will verify and approve incoming pull requests as soon as possible to allow others to use them.


En4s Interest calculator source code


The deliverables are a combined effort of an international interdisciplinary team of legal and IT professionals. We are proud that we solved and overcame professional challenges as a team. Thank you, project partners, for your support, passion, and willingness to explain legal matters to technology enthusiasts.

In case of additional questions or suggestions, you can find administrative and support contacts in the supporting materials of the deliverables.